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Government Inflation Protected Bond Funds

AllianceBernstein Bond Infl Strat 1 (ABNOX)
AllianceBernstein Bond Infl Strat 2 (ABNTX)
AllianceBernstein Bond Infl Strat A (ABNAX)
AllianceBernstein Bond Infl Strat Adv (ABNYX)
AllianceBernstein Bond Infl Strat C (ABNCX)
AllianceBernstein Bond Infl Strat I (ANBIX)
AllianceBernstein Bond Infl Strat K (ABNKX)
AllianceBernstein Bond Infl Strat R (ABNRX)
American Beacon
American Beacon Treas Infl Prot Sec A (ATSAX)
American Beacon Treas Infl Prot Sec I (ATPIX)
American Beacon Treas Infl Prot Sec Inv (ABTPX)
American Beacon Treas Infl Prot Sec Y (ACUYX)
American Century Investments
American Century Infl Adj Bond A (AIAVX)
American Century Infl-Adj Bond C (AINOX)
American Century Infl-Adj Bond Instl (AIANX)
American Century Infl-Adj Bond Inv (ACITX)
American Century Infl-Adj Bond R (AIARX)
American Century Inflation Prot Bd A (APOAX)
American Century Inflation Prot Bd B (APOBX)
American Century Inflation Prot Bd C (APOCX)
American Century Inflation Prot Bd Instl (APISX)
American Century Inflation Prot Bd Inv (APOIX)
American Century Inflation Prot Bd R (APORX)
American Independence
American Indep US Infl-Idx A (FNIHX)
American Indep US Infl-Idx I (FFIHX)
BlackRock Inflation Protected Bond A (BPRAX)
BlackRock Inflation Protected Bond B (BPIBX)
BlackRock Inflation Protected Bond C (BPRCX)
BlackRock Inflation Protected Bond Instl (BPRIX)
BlackRock Inflation Protected Bond Svc (BPRSX)
BlackRock Inflation Prted Bd BlackRock (BPLBX)
Columbia Infl Protected Secs A (APSAX)
Columbia Infl Protected Secs B (APSBX)
Columbia Infl Protected Secs C (RIPCX)
Columbia Infl Protected Secs I (AIPIX)
Columbia Infl Protected Secs W (RIPWX)
Columbia Inflation Protected Secs R (RIPRX)
Columbia Inflation Protected Secs Z (CIPZX)
Delaware Investments
Delaware Inflation Protected Bond A (DIPAX)
Delaware Inflation Protected Bond B (DIPBX)
Delaware Inflation Protected Bond C (DIPCX)
Delaware Inflation Protected Bond Inst (DIPIX)
Dimensional Fund Advisors
DFA Inflation-Protected Securities I (DIPSX)
Dreyfus Inflation-Adjusted Sec Instl (DIASX)
Dreyfus Inflation-Adjusted Sec Inv (DIAVX)
DWS Investments
DWS Global Inflation Plus A (TIPAX)
DWS Global Inflation Plus B (TIPTX)
DWS Global Inflation Plus C (TIPCX)
DWS Global Inflation Plus Inst (TIPIX)
DWS Global Inflation Plus S (TIPSX)
Eaton Vance
Eaton Vance Short Term Real Return A (EARRX)
Eaton Vance Short Term Real Return C (ECRRX)
Eaton Vance Short Term Real Return I (EIRRX)
Federated Real Return Bond A (RRFAX)
Federated Real Return Bond C (RRFCX)
Federated Real Return Bond I (RRFIX)
Fidelity Investments
Fidelity Advisor Infl-Prot Bond A (FIPAX)
Fidelity Advisor Infl-Prot Bond B (FBIPX)
Fidelity Advisor Infl-Prot Bond C (FIPCX)
Fidelity Advisor Infl-Prot Bond I (FIPIX)
Fidelity Advisor Infl-Prot Bond T (FIPTX)
Fidelity Inflation-Protected Bond (FINPX)
Fidelity Series Inflation-Prtct Bd Idx (FSIPX)
Fidelity Series Inflation-Prtct Bd Idx F (FFIPX)
First American
First American Inflation Protect Secs A (FAIPX)
First American Inflation Protect Secs C (FCIPX)
First American Inflation Protect Secs R (FRIPX)
First American Inflation Protect Secs Y (FYIPX)
GMO Inflation Indexed Plus Bond III (GMITX)
GMO Inflation Indexed Plus Bond VI (GMIPX)
Goldman Sachs
Goldman Sachs Infl Protected Secs Instl (GSIPX)
Goldman Sachs Infl Protected Secs IR (GSTPX)
Goldman Sachs Inflation Protected Secs A (GSAPX)
Goldman Sachs Inflation Protected Secs C (GSCFX)
Goldman Sachs Inflation Protected Secs R (GSRPX)
GuideStone Funds
GuideStone Funds Inflat Prtctd Bd GS4 (GIPZX)
Harbor Real Return Adm (HRRRX)
Harbor Real Return Instl (HARRX)
Hartford Mutual Funds
Hartford Inflation Plus A (HIPAX)
Hartford Inflation Plus B (HIPBX)
Hartford Inflation Plus C (HIPCX)
Hartford Inflation Plus I (HIPIX)
Hartford Inflation Plus L (HIPLX)
Hartford Inflation Plus R3 (HIPRX)
Hartford Inflation Plus R4 (HIPSX)
Hartford Inflation Plus R5 (HIPTX)
Hartford Inflation Plus Y (HIPYX)
ING Retirement Funds
ING BlackRock Inflation Protected Bd Adv (IBRAX)
ING BlackRock Inflation Protected Bond I (IBRIX)
ING BlackRock Inflation Protected Bond S (IBRSX)
John Hancock
JHFunds2 Real Return Bond 1 (JIRRX)
JHFunds2 Real Return Bond NAV (JHRRX)
JPMorgan Inflation Managed Bond A (JIMAX)
JPMorgan Inflation Managed Bond C (JIMCX)
JPMorgan Inflation Managed Bond R2 (JIMZX)
JPMorgan Inflation Managed Bond R5 (JIMRX)
JPMorgan Inflation Managed Bond Select (JRBSX)
JPMorgan Real Return A (RRNAX)
JPMorgan Real Return C (RRNCX)
JPMorgan Real Return Instl (RRNNX)
JPMorgan Real Return Sel (RRNSX)
Legg Mason/Western
Legg Mason WA Global Inflation Mgmt A (SBGLX)
Legg Mason WA Global Inflation Mgmt C (SBUFX)
Western Asset Inflation Idxd Plus Bd FI (WATPX)
Western Asset Inflation Idxd Plus Bd I (WAIIX)
Western Asset Inflation Idxd Plus Bd IS (WAFSX)
Loomis Sayles Funds
Loomis Sayles Inflation Protected Secs I (LSGSX)
Loomis Sayles Inflation Prtctd Secs Ret (LIPRX)
MassMutual Premier Infl-Prot and Inc A (MPSAX)
MassMutual Premier Infl-Prot and Inc L (MIPLX)
MassMutual Premier Infl-Prot and Inc N (MIPNX)
MassMutual Premier Infl-Prot and Inc S (MIPSX)
MassMutual Premier Infl-Prot and Inc Y (MIPYX)
MFS Inflation Adjusted Bond A (MIAAX)
MFS Inflation Adjusted Bond B (MIABX)
MFS Inflation Adjusted Bond C (MIACX)
MFS Inflation Adjusted Bond I (MIAIX)
MFS Inflation Adjusted Bond R1 (MIALX)
MFS Inflation Adjusted Bond R2 (MIATX)
MFS Inflation Adjusted Bond R3 (MIAHX)
MFS Inflation Adjusted Bond R4 (MIAJX)
Principal Funds
Principal Inflation Protection A (PITAX)
Principal Inflation Protection C (PPOCX)
Principal Inflation Protection Inst (PIPIX)
Principal Inflation Protection J (PIPJX)
Principal Inflation Protection R1 (PISPX)
Principal Inflation Protection R2 (PBSAX)
Principal Inflation Protection R3 (PIFPX)
Principal Inflation Protection R4 (PIFSX)
Principal Inflation Protection R5 (PBPPX)
Schwab Funds
Schwab Inflation Protected (SWRSX)
SEI Instl Mgd Trust Real Return A (SRAAX)
T. Rowe Price
T. Rowe Price Inflation Protected Bd (PRIPX)
TIAA-CREF Mutual Funds
TIAA-CREF Inflation Link Bd Instl (TIILX)
TIAA-CREF Inflation Link Bd Premier (TIKPX)
TIAA-CREF Inflation Link Bd R (TIKRX)
TIAA-CREF Inflation Link Bd Retail (TCILX)
Transamerica Partners Instl InflProt Sec (DIIGX)
Transamerica Partners IPS (DVIGX)
VALIC Company I Inflation Protected (VCTPX)
Vanguard Inflation-Protected Secs Adm (VAIPX)
Vanguard Inflation-Protected Secs Instl (VIPIX)
Vanguard Inflation-Protected Secs Inv (VIPSX)
Vantagepoint Funds
Vantagepoint Inflation Protected Secs (VPTSX)
Wells Fargo Advantage
Wells Fargo Advantage Infl Prot Bond A (IPBAX)
Wells Fargo Advantage Infl Prot Bond Adm (IPBIX)
Wells Fargo Advantage Infl Prot Bond B (IPBBX)
Wells Fargo Advantage Infl Prot Bond C (IPBCX)